About Our School

We built Eclipse Academy to nurture students and their families, how they ought to be: seen, respected, and guided to envision and achieve their own academic goals — at their own pace, on their own terms. We help each family to make smart academic choices in alignment with their values.

The Challenges

Our inspiration for Eclipse Academy came from the simple realization that the traditional school model isn't working for many students and families. As a Head of School at private high schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, our founder has had thousands of enrollment meetings with families experiencing the same challenges:

Some students are gifted learners, held back by the traditional classroom. They crave faster progress, more depth, or a non-traditional way of learning. They may take advanced courses for enrichment, but these cookie-cutter programs don’t feel like enough. They want for someone to really ‘get’ them, and help them take flight.

Some students need more 1-to-1 attention — more engagement, support, and choice in their learning. While bright and capable, they may feel unmotivated and disconnected from their academics, or desire more freedom to follow their curiosity. They may also need dedicated support to overcome challenges in learning, attention, and/or executive function.

Some students need a self-paced schedule, which traditional classrooms can’t accommodate. Many students are ready to blaze ahead of the curve. Others need more time. In either case, traditional classrooms don’t adapt to you.

Some students can’t access a world-class education. Perhaps they live in a remote place, experience health or mobility issues, or have busy schedules that prevent commuting. Other students find they’re competing for too few academic opportunities.

Our Solution

Together as a dream team of longtime colleagues and new collaborators, in 2018 we built a new kind of online school that’s relevant, student-centered, and gets results — with ample 1-to-1 teacher support, small-group classes, a global community of gifted and 2e peers, customized scheduling, and sliding-scale tuition based on need.

Welcome to Eclipse Academy, where academic challenge and playfulness co-exist. We’re glad you’re here! 🎉

School Mission & Learner Goals

Inspired Leadership

With decades of experience leading and growing school communities, we’re committed to meeting each student where they’re at, and helping each family chart their best path forward. We bring a whole-hearted presence to our work — this is our mission and true calling.

Ashley Sarver, Founder & Head of School

Casey Hollister, Director of Education

Ready to embark on a transformational educational journey, and find your tribe?

Schedule a free consultation to explore how enrollment can support your child's unique needs, interests, and aspirations.

“My profoundly gifted child loves school like never before. I’ve been searching for years, and finding Eclipse Academy is a dream come true.”

— Parent of a full-time Eclipse student, grade 6

“Eclipse teachers really get my 2e child…and understand and respect our entire family.”

— Parent of a part-time enrichment student, grade 10

Learn your own way, with part-time and full-time programs